Gov Jam - Berlin

Gov Jam - Berlin

It is happening again!

On the 17th-19th November 2023, people who are interested exploring, experiencing and learning about service design in the realm of the public sector will meet in Berlin for the

 Global Gov Jam!

 We will be open for around 50 design enthusiasts and design-curious who are eager to learn new methods and tools and share their experiences.

Seriously, all levels of experience from none to pro are welcome!

🇩🇪(Also, if your English isn't as good as your German, don't be discouraged, we will make it as easy as possible for you)

In a spirit of experimentation, co-operation and friendly competition, teams will have 48 hours to develop public service design innovations inspired by a shared theme. This event is happening one the same weekend all over the world and you will be part of dozens of teams in as many cities working on your own awesome idea.

Interested in the vibe?

Check out the video from our Sustainability Jam

Tickets include: 

A full weekend of fun and hands-on learning

Prototyping and design materials

Expert facilitation and coaching

Inspiring talks by design leaders

Drinks and food (except lunch on Saturday)

Access to teams all around the world

Participating in the amazing Berlin Design community

Any questions 

please ask


For more information check out 

Service Design Jam Berlin


Looking forward to JAM with you in Berlin!

The Jam Berlin Team


This weekend is a very FULL ON! Friday evening to Sunday afternoon. It wants to feel intense and you want to get out of what you put in. So be prepared for a high energy weekend. (Thus, maybe skip the clubs for once this weekend, it will be worth it! )

Agenda for the Weekend

Friday 17:30 - 21:30

Meet groups & registration


Pizza & beer

Warm-up & team up

Theme announcement

Exercise: Brainstorm

Saturday 9:00 - 22:00

Breakfast & beats

Input talk


Exercise: on the street user research 

Streetside lunch (not provided)

Exercises: personal and use cases, ideation & hands-on physical prototyping 

Idea Bazaar

Special Event

Sunday 9:00 - 17:00

Breakfast & beats 

Energizing Yoga Session

Input talk

Exercises: rapid prototyping, demonstration preparation

Quick lunch

Demonstration (open to friends and family)

Tearful goodbyes


Want to learn more about service design? Check out

this article


Any questions, write to

Auf einen Blick
  • 11/17 - 11/19/2023
  • Location Spiced Academy
    Ritterstraße 12-14 Berlin
  • Organizer Jam Berlin

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