HackerX - Berlin (Full-Stack) Employer Ticket - 11/21 (Onsite)

HackerX - Berlin (Full-Stack) Employer Ticket - 11/21 (Onsite)

You Get The Tickets, We Got The Talent

When you sign-up for HackerX our sourcing team does all of the heavy lifting to put the best candidates in front of you.

The developer list you receive with an average of 100+ candidates is the result of sorting through thousands of technical candidates by making sure they meet your rigorous experience standards and skillset before inviting them to the event.

Thereafter, we will facilitate introductions with candidates. After the event, you can follow up with any attendee without having to notify us.

And more importantly, without paying any commissions or fees when hiring!

Auf einen Blick
  • 11/21/2023
    18:30 - 21:30
  • Location idealo internet GmbH
    Zimmerstraße 50 Berlin
  • Organizer HackerX

FYI: English edition available

Hello my friend, have you been stranded on the German edition of Startbase? At least your browser tells us, that you do not speak German - so maybe you would like to switch to the English edition instead?

Go to English edition

FYI: Deutsche Edition verfügbar

Hallo mein Freund, du befindest dich auf der Englischen Edition der Startbase und laut deinem Browser sprichst du eigentlich auch Deutsch. Magst du die Sprache wechseln?

Deutsche Edition öffnen