Startups: Apply Lean Startup vs. Design Thinking vs. Agile

Startups: Apply Lean Startup vs. Design Thinking vs. Agile

Once upon a time in the quaint land of Entrepreneuria, there was a merry bunch of startup adventurers. Armed with brilliant ideas, boundless enthusiasm, and a sprinkling of unicorn dreams, they set out on their grand quests to conquer the business world. Then they failed fantastically. The End?

What is this MINDSHOP about?

~ 90% of released consumer products,


. But... you did nothing wrong! It is much deeper than that, so it is a wise step for any company to take a step back and reflect.

I will be discussing the differences, similarities, advantages, and limitations of different schools of thought such as lean startup, design thinking, and agile deployment. We will look at these closely from a business/startup point of view with a special inclination toward how tech startups flop or succeed. 

I will dive deeper into these methodologies with relevant case studies.

Key Takeaways:

✔️Unlimited Access to the Recorded Coursework

✔️Exclusive Hands-out materials via newsletters

✔️Certificate of completion upon request*


You will work on real-world scenarios and collaborative challenges to apply your divergent thinking skills. In addition, there will be discussions, peer evaluations, and reflection assignments to assess your understanding and progress.


Entrepreneurs: Solo Rider

Founder teams: CXOs

Designers: UX/UI Designers, Product Managers

Builders: Engineers/Devs

Freelancers: Self-employed one-business Boss

Consultants: Self-employed mentors/Coaches

This session is designed for professionals, creatives, entrepreneurs, and anyone seeking to enhance their innovation skills. It's suitable for individuals or teams eager to unlock new possibilities in their problem-solving approach.


: @itskatusop

Reading Appetizers:

🪐10 Common Challenges in Product Design 2/n

UXin' | Tell Me a Story: Why is Empathy Significant in Design Thinking?

Auf einen Blick
  • 11/10/2023
    14:00 - 16:00
  • Location Mindshop Online Classroom
  • Organizer Kat Usop, MSHI

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