Startups & Wine

Startups & Wine

If you have received this link, you are one of the partners we would love to invite to this tour.

At least one of our startup has indicated interest to speak to you about the problem they are solving and how they could potentially solve it with you. As we want to initiatve meaningful connections, we are inviting everybody to participate in an event on eye-level 🧡

Get to know eachother on a business and personal level while enjoying one of the most valued goods of Stuttgart Region.

Auf einen Blick
  • 07/10/2023
    18:00 - 20:00
  • Location Uhlbacher Platz
    Uhlbacher Platz Stuttgart
  • Organizer STEYG

FYI: English edition available

Hello my friend, have you been stranded on the German edition of Startbase? At least your browser tells us, that you do not speak German - so maybe you would like to switch to the English edition instead?

Go to English edition

FYI: Deutsche Edition verfügbar

Hallo mein Freund, du befindest dich auf der Englischen Edition der Startbase und laut deinem Browser sprichst du eigentlich auch Deutsch. Magst du die Sprache wechseln?

Deutsche Edition öffnen