The Growth Dinner

The Growth Dinner

Targeting Sustainable Revenue Development

Across Startups, Grownups and Corporations there is an ambition after the chaos of recent years to return to a model of profitable, sustainable growth. In a new VC landscape where profit is king, many leaders are viewing technology investments as a key part of both managing costs and increasing revenues.

In 2024 the tasks ahead will be complicated once again by geo-political events, the shift in technology towards low-code and API-driven solutions, as well as the increased demand for specific skills. There is (as we know) still a huge lack of development resources with a deep understanding of modern tooling, but there are signs of that easing as startups find raising money more challenging.

In Berlin where there are so many high-growth companies trading alongside more traditional firms, our dinner on November 9th is an opportunity to take a step back and look at the landscape for growth in 2024.

Who should attend?

Founders, Owners & CEO, Chief, VP, Director, Heads of..., Marketing, Brand, Loyalty, eCommerce, Digital, Technology/IT, Product/Product Owners, Retail, OmniChannel/MultiChannel/Customer, Innovation / Transformation, Revenue, Growth, Trading / Logistics, Operations/Commercial, Online.

*A ticket from eventbrite is not a valid registration. A member of the team will be in contact to confirm your attendance* You can also register via our website.

Auf einen Blick
  • 11/09/2023
    18:30 - 23:00
  • Location The Hoxton, Charlottenburg
    Meinekestraße 18-19 Berlin
  • Organizer Commerce Futures

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